CD Interest Rates Atlanta, GA

Searching our CD rates list in Atlanta, Georiga we found Bank of Internet has the best 12 month CD rate. Bank of Internet's current 1 year bank CD rate is 1.30 percent with a bank CD yield of 1.31 percent. The national average 12 month CD rate is about half Bank of Internet's rate. The current national average 12 month CD rate of 0.67percent as reported by MonitorBankRates and Informars.  

The second highest 12 month rate on our list in Atlanta, GA is from Ally Bank. The bank's current 12 month CD rate is 1.28 percent with a bank CD yield of 1.29 percent.

Union National Bank and Pentagon Federal Credit are tied with the third best interestrate on our list in Atlanta. Both PenFedand Union National are offering 1 year rates at 1.25 percent with a yield of 1.26 percent.

Atlanta, Georgia CD Interest Rates

Bank of Internet USA 1.41% Min  $1000

Discover Bank 1.30% Min  $2500

Sallie Mae 1.30% Min  $ 1

Ally Bank 1.29% Min  $ 1

PenFed 1.26% Min  $1000

Nationwide Bank 1.25% Min  $10,000 1.21% Min  $2500

AIG Bank 1.15% Min  $2500

Tennessee Commerce Bank 1.05% Min  $2500

EverBank 1.03% Min  $1500

Maine Bank & Trust Company 1.01% Min  $1000

ING DIRECT 1.00% Min  $ 1

First Internet Bank of IN 1.00% Min  $1000

Author: Jason P. Jones
February 9th, 2011

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