Best CD Rates at Credit Unions Across the United States, Best 12 Month APY at 5.00 PercentUsually you can find some of the best CD rates available at credit unions but that isn't always the case. Some online bank CD rates are just as competitive as the best rates at credit unions but either way you'll have to search to secure the highest CD rates. We start our search for the top 12 month certificate (CD) rates in the great state of Alaska where we find Alaska USA Federal Credit Union is offering 12 month rates at 0.90 percent. Shocked that the best 12 month rate at a credit union in Alaska is less than 1.00 percent? Well don't be because all interest bearing rates are very low these days. In this week's FDIC national rate survey 12 month bank CD rates are at 0.25 percent. The NUCA which is where credit unions fall under doesn't publish a weekly average rate survey so for comparison sake we will use the FDIC average. Moving onto the state of California we find PATELCO Credit Union is offering a incredible 12 month certificate dividend rate of 4.89 percent with an APY of 5.00 percent. This is the highest rate we could find across the United States, unfortunately the maximum deposit on this account is only $1,000. In the state of Colorado we find that the best rate is from Guadalupe Parish Credit Union at 0.90 percent which matches the best rate in California right now. In the Lone Star State we find Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union has a 12 month certificate rate of 1.49 percent with an APY of 1.50 percent, a rate almost 6 times the FDIC average rate. In North Dakota we find Hometown Credit Union's current 12 month dividend rate is at 0.85 percent and in South Dakota we find Aberdeen Federal Credit Union has the highest rate at 0.50 percent. In Kansas we find Communication Federal Credit Union is offering 12 month CD interest rates at 0.85 percent. Moving farther east we find in the state of Tennessee that the best 12 month interest rate is from Veritas Federal Credit Union at 0.85 percent. Down south in the state of Alabama we find Birmingham Police Credit Union has current 12 month rates at 1.24 percent with a 1.25 percent APY. In the sunshine state of Florida the top CD rate goes to Chartway Federal Credit Union also at 1.24 percent with an APY of 1.25 percent. Moving up the East Coast we find in the state of South Carolina the highest rate at 1.00 percent goes to Charleston County Teachers Federal Credit Union. In the state of Maryland the best 12 month certificate rate available right now is from Allegany County Teachers Federal Credit Union at 1.01 percent APY. As we move up north we find in the state of New Jersey the best 1 year certificate rate avaialable is from Andrews Federal Credit Union at 0.85 percent. Across the Hudson River in New York we find the highest rate currently around is from Saint Lawrence Federal Credit Union at 1.10 percent APY and in the state of Maine the best rate is from Explore Other Credit Union CD Offers
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