Best CD Rates in Mount Pleasant, South CarolinaCD rates are so low these days and rates are not increasing anytime soon. The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) wrapped up their two day meeting yesterday and decided to keep the Fed funds rate in the targeted range of zero percent to one quarter percent. As a result, banks and credit unions won't be raising the rates they pay on deposit accounts. Find the highest CD rates by using our CD rate tables: National average CD rates declined again this week or last. The current average 12 month CD rate is 0.98 percent. You can find CD rates better than the national averages. We did a search on our CD rate tables for the best CD rates in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Tennessee Commerce Bank tops our list of the best 12 month CD rates. TCB's current 12 month certificate of deposit rate is 1.59 percent with an annual percentage yield of 1.60 percent. Next on the list of the best 12 month savings CD rates is Asheville Savings Bank, their current 12 month CD rate is 1.54 percent with an APY of 1.55 percent. Asheville Saving's CD rate is the only bank listed in the top 10 that isn't a national bank. Best 12 Month CD Rates
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