Tennessee Commerce Bank CD Rates

Tennessee Commerce Bank is offering some of the highest CD rates at banks available today. The best CD rate deal is on the bank's 12 month certificate of deposit, the current 12 month CD rate is 1.64 percent with an annual percentage yield (APY) of 1.65 percent.

Here is a list of the bank's current certificate of deposit rates and yields.

  • 3 Months .40 Rate .40 APY
  • 6 Months .75 Rate .75 APY
  • 12 Months 1.64 Rate 1.65 APY
  • 18 Months 1.74 Rate 1.75 APY
  • 24 Months 2.03 Rate 2.05 APY
  • 36 Months 2.33 Rate 2.35 APY
  • 48 Months 2.57 Rate 2.60 APY
  • 60 Months 2.81 Rate 2.85 APY

Tennessee Commerce Bank has its headquarters in Franklin, Tennessee. Certificates of deposit are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for up to $250,000. The bank's FDIC Cert # is 35296.

Author: Brian McKay
January 27th, 2010

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