Painter, Virginia 18 Month CD Rates18 Month CD Rates in Painter, VirginiaSearch for the best 18 Month CD rates in Painter, VA from several different banks and credit unions. Once you have entered your search criteria a list of 18 Month CD interest rates from banks and credit unions will be displayed. You can sort the list to find the highest rates. Painter, Virginia 18 Month CD RatesWhen comparing 18 Month Painter, VA CD rates make sure to choose a Painter, VA bank that has deposits insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Deposits in Painter, VA banks that are insured by the FDIC are guaranteed for up to $250,000 per depositor. Best CD Rates in Painter, Virginia February 7, 2025Show More
The Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) displayed are based on the highest APY offered for the specified deposit amount or less. Rates may change without prior notice. The "Min. Balance" indicates the minimum amount required to earn the stated APY. Please note that some of the offers presented on this site are from advertisers, who provide compensation for their inclusion. However, these advertised offers do not encompass all available deposit accounts. Painter, Virginia Jumbo 18 Month CD RatesJumbo 18 Month CD rates in Painter, Virginia are usually higher than regular Painter, Virginia 18 Month CD rates because the deposit amount is larger. Regular 18 Month certificates of deposit can be opened with as little as $1 and 18 Month jumbo certificates of deposit start out at a minimum of $100,000. Some Painter, Virginia banks and Painter, Virginia credit unions offer 18 Month mini-jumbo certificates of deposit. Opening deposit amounts can be between $25,000 to $50,000 for a 18 Month mini jumbo certificate of deposit. Painter, Virginia Credit Union 18 Month CD RatesWhen comparing 18 Month CD rates from credit unions in Painter, VA make sure to choose a Painter, VA credit union that has deposits insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Deposits in Painter, VA credit unions that are insured by the NCUA are guaranteed for up to $250,000 per depositor. Painter FDIC Insured BanksBank NameFDIC Cert NumberAddressSunTrust BankFDIC Cert #867
33287 Railroad Avenue, Painter, VA 23420
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